Archive for June, 2011

Sunday Blessings

Sitting in a Starbucks a hundred miles from home, sipping on a coconut mocha frappuccino and counting blessings:

Tim is a hundred more miles from home yet, and still driving.  He won’t be back for two weeks.  I didn’t think I could be more thankful for him than I was yesterday.  But today, I realize that absence makes even the fondest heart grow fonder.

In just a matter of hours, I’ll be picked up by the ever trusty and wonderful Gretchen and transported a few miles east (I made that up, because I actually have no idea which direction she lives) for a girls night: tortelloni, frozen yogurt, lots of laughs, and a whole day of catching up.  I’m thankful for friends.

Yesterday a day with Anna and Nathaniel full of good food, good chats, good games, and good fellowship; tomorrow, a flight to Iowa for a whole week with Laura and Phil.  I’m thankful for family.

This morning, a reminder of God’s amazing love for prodigal sinners.  I’m thankful for grace. 

Yes, indeed.  This is the day that the Lord has made–a packed full mixture of joy and tears.  But I will rejoice and be glad in all of it.

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